One thing I must maintain, is the love of taking photos of my kids, my family. Afterall, they are the ones who inspired me into this craft of photography and set me on my way.
I love that I will be able to look back and remember certain things...
like the horse and carriage ride in Old Sacramento...they were so excited to be on this rickety thing and how it took us to the first bathroom on the route for Jensen (when you gotta go...you know...)

and their happiness when they got to pet the horse... just the little things that I don't want to forget...

Jensen's first big boy bike for his 4th birthday, with matching helmet of course...

We are so fortunate to live in a world of technology at our fingertips.
Here's one for my uncle. I went to my old hometown of Tracy California and had a session there. Yes, I do travel outside my bubble...

She's a little doll... don't you just want to grab those cheeks and squeeze just a little? Cute-ness...
Have a great Tuesday and be nice to each other at the grocery store please... it can get hectic, but just breathe, smile and be thankful...
Jennifer super cute picture! Can't wait to see the rest. Thanks again for these wonderful pictures.