We found ourselves in Japan-town, S.F., Sunday afternoon. We don't venture much into the city by the bay, because it's THE BIG CITY. With 3 under 9 years of age, it can be somewhat difficult finding restrooms and timing has to be just right. We decided to let the dice roll and gamble our luck. We had a fun afternoon. Japan-town is a must stop for us to eat. We are sushi lovin' people and thank goodness, our kids are becoming lovers' as well...

This place always has a crowd in front and it really kinda is a hole in the wall... it's soo tiny and always a wait for the sushi boats...

David and I used to come here before we were married, so it's kind of a gas to realize we are bringing our kids here now...

One of those, "who would've ever thunk it" kind of things...

If you are ever in J-town, stop by Isobune for lunch or dinner, it's for sushi boat lovers only~ obviously.

It is nice to have a bit of a break to photograph my family. It's the old adage about the shoemaker never having enough time to make shoes for his kids...so I'm so honestly glad that I am able to carve out time to practice my skillz on them. We would have stayed outside longer, but it was pretty cold.

Japan-town is a great place to roam around and explore. Of course, this kid and her new Itouch, when school starts, there are going to be limits to this gadget! She was busy dressing the fantasy fairies on her Itouch.

This one was full of energy. The sushi boat place gave each kid a sucker in the shape of sushi! So he was happy savoring it.
Only two sleeps left in 2009...make them count! Have a safe and wonderful New Year's celebration! I'll be in Disneyland!!!!