I'm getting a new cousin-in-law next year. She's adorable and she and my cousin could not be a better match.
One thing I enjoy tremendously during my photo sessions is to see just how fast the world can stop around two people and for a few stolen moments there can be no one else around. Like this moment, when the sun flare is working with me and encircles them in its glow. Sun flare and me have a great relationship when we are in tune.

Christine is a stunning peach, right?

Rizal and Christine were up for anything and I couldn't have had the more perfect couple. We hit up a new spot I've been wanting to photograph in and I think it worked out perfect. Christine was workin' it, sexy boots eh? ...sizzle...

This is a just a sneak peek for them...full post on Friday.

Try to stay dry out there today and drive carefully! It's wet. Happy Tuesday.
Jennifer -- these are sooooo good! I love the poses and the sunflare.