Can you believe it's September already?
So a few things happened this past weekend. One in particular, was David getting casted on his right hand. Terrible, terrible cast claustrophobia. That picture up there was the part that was snipped off by yours truly. The part that covered his broken 5th metacarpal and the ring finger, which I'm guessing is the 4th metacarpal. Those two fingers were fiberglassed ('cause they don't make casts out of plaster anymore) into a bent position and evidently was driving him crazy... like trying to get a cat to stay in bath water.. not havin' it. So now, he's bandanged up with removable ACE bandage and he's promised to be ginger about it. My fingers are crossed.
What else? My Facebook page got hacked. Couldn't believe it. Well, yeah, I can. I am sorta a facebook junkie. I like to know what my friends are doing, I post what I'm doing, and I think my friends care. At least, I'd like to think they do. Well, the hacker posed as me and PopChatted with a friend of mine, told her I was in London, got mugged and needed her to wire money to me, er, the perp. Well my friend, this hot mama right here, got wise. Especially when she just seen me pick up my kids from school just the day before. Anyway, my page is back to normal now and the cybercriminal has moved on. But just for all of you out there, make sure your FB password is not the same as your email password. Mine wasn't, but it could have been worse.
To end today's post, a while back, my sweet friend Nat, brought me over some fresh bread. Gosh, it was so Fan-flippin'tastic. She boasted about her bread maker. It didn't take me long to head over to W-mart and get one for myself.

There is something really satisfying eating freshly baked bread and it really only takes a few minutes to throw all the ingredients together and in a few hours, you'll be devouring a whole loaf- so be careful! it can be quite dangerous to the waistline.
I found this recipe for Herb Bread on about.com.
My kids call it "heaven bread" because if heaven had a taste, it really would be this bread. Case.Closed. Fantastic with a an oil and balsalmic vinegar dip. I guarantee it won't last more than 10 minutes.
Your bread maker should be on "dough only" mode. After the bread maker has done it's prep, I slap it on an oven sheet sprayed with cooking spray. A little flour on my hands and I lightly flatten the dough to a rectangular shape. I let it sit to rise for an hour or two and bake it at 425d's for about 8-9 minutes...I watch until the top is golden.
Smell heaven wafting through the air...so good!
Out of the oven, I lightly brush the top with olive oil and throw on a sprinkle of salt.
Then I get pushed out of the way as my kids and husband devour it. Try it, you'll love it and thank you about.com...best recipe hands down.
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