I met Christine a few years ago when her oldest and my middle were in pre-kinder together. I knew who she was because I always noticed the hip cute blonde girl that brought in her son. I always admired how cute she always seemed to dress, even at 9 in the am when I could barely get myself put together with sweats and a t-shirt. Ironically, I got to know her more after our kids were out of pre-kinder and all throughout kinder. The occassional coffee get togethers and pre-k mom's nights out is where I got to know a little more about Christine and solidified that she is indeed a hip cute brunette girl.

I met her youngest when he was in utero and it has been fun to watch him grow.

Her hubs, Jason, is a fire-fighter. He's a big guy who is a big marshmallow around his kids. Thanks J for being a hero because ALL fire-fighters are ABSOLUTE HEROES in my book!

One of my favorite images...the little guy and his expression! Love it!

and how the sun catches on Christine's hair and how their arms frame each other perfectly, so lovely!

I'm a sucker for sun flare and the images they create...

Thank you for spending the afternoon with me Christine and Jason...
To see more of their session, click here
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