I have a new blog home. This page is officially retired.
Please bookmark me at www.jenniferbrotchieblog.com
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
{Roseville,Sacramento Family Photographer}: Lorelle + Carl

Carl and Lorelle have been friends of ours since my family has lived in Roseville. Carl and my husband were actually co-workers. As things happen, jobs take us to different places in our life journeys and thankfully we have all stayed in touch.
The have 3 beautiful children already... this one being the youngest for a few more days and will be the only girl, she is such a little joy...

This one will be a big brother again and I am told is quite the video gamer...he's got skillz...

Carl and Lorelle are welcoming their 4th child into the world (they have a son in college) and are fulfilling their desires for a big happy family. They have a lot of love to give and this baby will be showered with it so deeply.

I am in love with Lorelle's smile when she laughs...

I was honored and thrilled to be asked to photograph this time in Lorelle's pregnancy. She's due in a handful of days and David and I wish you both nothing but restful nights, happy siblings, a smooth schedule, a clean house and lots of loves, hugs and kisses, of course!
~lots o 'love,
~jenn & dave
to see more of Lorelle + Carl (please give it a few seconds to load):
to view again, hit refresh on your screen...
Thanks for stopping by!
jennifer brotchie photography, wedding photographer in roseville, wedding photographer in sacramento, children's photographer in roseville, children's photographer in sacramento, family photographer, senior portraits, baby photographer, newborn photographer, professional photographer, roseville family photographer, sacramento family photographer, roseville childrens photographer, sacramento childrens photographer, pregnancy photography http://www.jenniferbrotchie.com/
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
{Roseville, Sacramento Wedding Photographer}: The Beauty in Things...

There is beauty in all things...
sometimes, it's not obvious...

but if you look hard enough, it might find You instead.

have a glorious Wednesday!
jennifer brotchie photography, wedding photographer in roseville, wedding photographer in sacramento, children's photographer in roseville, children's photographer in sacramento, family photographer, senior portraits, baby photographer, newborn photographer, professional photographer, roseville family photographer, sacramento family photographer, roseville childrens photographer, sacramento childrens photographer, pregnancy photography http://www.jenniferbrotchie.com/
Monday, February 1, 2010
Images from this Weekend {Roseville, Sacramento Family Photographer}

Decompressing with bite size cupcakes at Whole Foods. I just needed one of those Calgon moments. So these helped BIG TIME!!

These were just calling out to me. I love when things just call out to me.

Master Shifu... "But you cannot leave! A real warrior never quits!" I AM A WARRIOR!

Veggie Bowl at one of my fav places...

and this beautiful belly, due in 9 days!!
Life is good... sometimes I have to stop and smell the roses and just realize. Awww...yes...good.
jennifer brotchie photography, wedding photographer in roseville, wedding photographer in sacramento, children's photographer in roseville, children's photographer in sacramento, family photographer, senior portraits, baby photographer, newborn photographer, professional photographer, roseville family photographer, sacramento family photographer, roseville childrens photographer, sacramento childrens photographer, pregnancy photography http://www.jenniferbrotchie.com/
Friday, January 29, 2010
Tease {Roseville, Sacramento Children Photographer}

Spring was teasing yesterday. The sun and blue skies came around for a little while and it lifted me. I'll take it, the bits and pieces, I'll take it.
jennifer brotchie photography, wedding photographer in roseville, wedding photographer in sacramento, children's photographer in roseville, children's photographer in sacramento, family photographer, senior portraits, baby photographer, newborn photographer, professional photographer, http://www.jenniferbrotchie.com/
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Kristin + Marc {Roseville Wedding Photographer, Sacramento Wedding Photographer}

They went out with a group of friends. She with her group and he with his. Kristin took a date. It was all fun, just hanging out with good company for a fun night out. Kristin caught Marc's eye. Marc saw her with her date and asked her out anyway. She said yes. Since then, they've only had eyes for each other.

It's been two years since and they are madly in love. They will be making their love official this June.

I had a great time with these two... they laugh together and totally have fun together..

They are totally sweet individually, but together, well they are eye candy goodness and I'm getting a cavity just looking at them!

Congratulations Kristin + Marc. I won't be photographing your wedding, but I'm honored to be a small part of documenting your everlasting love through your engagment photos.

All the best to the both of you... from, me.

To see more of Kristin + Marc press play (give it a few seconds to load)
Refresh your screen to replay.
I am booking weddings and all family and children's photosessions for 2010. Hope to hear from you soon!
Thanks for visiting!
Happy Wednesday!
jennifer brotchie photography, wedding photography in roseville, wedding photography in sacramento, wedding photography in yuba city, wedding photographers in stockton, wedding photography, roseville wedding photographer, sacramento wedding photographer, engagement photograper, children's photographer in roseville, children's photographer in sacramento, family photographer, senior portraits, baby photographer, newborn photographer, professional photographer, http://www.jenniferbrotchie.com/
Monday, January 25, 2010
Random Monday {Family Photographer in Roseville and Sacramento}

Monday already. (sigh) Just some random photos I plucked out for today's post... I'm getting really cagey and am feeling a bit blue.
I think this is a favorite photo of myself.

If this one doesn't put a smile on your face, then seriously, I don't know what will...

...and one last random one of my little man...

Happy Random Monday! Thanks for stopping by!
jennifer brotchie photography, wedding photography in roseville, wedding photography in sacramento, wedding photography in yuba city, wedding photographers in stockton, wedding photography,roseville wedding photographer, sacramento wedding photographer, engagement photograper, children's photographer in roseville, children's photographer in sacramento, family photographer, senior portraits, baby photographer, newborn photographer, professional photographer, http://www.jenniferbrotchie.com/
Friday, January 22, 2010
Loveliness...{Roseville Wedding, Sacramento Wedding Photographer}

Locked away in my cave, still working on this gorgeous couple.... have a great weekend!
jennifer brotchie photography, wedding photography in roseville, wedding photography in sacramento, wedding photography in yuba city, wedding photographers in stockton, wedding photography,roseville wedding photographer, sacramento wedding photographer, engagement photograper, children's photographer in roseville, children's photographer in sacramento, family photographer, senior portraits, baby photographer, newborn photographer, professional photography, http://www.jenniferbrotchie.com/
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Dear Spring... {Children's Photographer in Roseville, Children's Photographer in Sacramento}

Dear Spring... I've missed you lately. I know the rain is badly needed, but does it have to come with cold and wind? When you are around the bloom of your flowers fill the earth with your wonderful vivid soothing colors...
When you are around, the grass is soft and lusciously green... I hear the sound of laughter and games as my kids run through, the little palms of their hands gently touching the tips of your beautiful wild grass...

When you are here, there is a magical hour...just before sunset your sun casts its magical glow where everything in its path illuminates and glistens...

The air is warm and the breeze is gentle. I know you are just around the corner and I have to be patient but I want you to know that I really miss you and I won't take you for granted.

Spring is around the corner, have you booked your session yet?
jennifer brotchie photography, wedding photography in roseville, wedding photography in sacramento, wedding photography in yuba city, wedding photographers in stockton, wedding photography, engagement photograper, children's photographer in roseville, children's photographer in sacramento, family photographer, senior portraits, baby photographer, newborn photographer, professional photography, http://www.jenniferbrotchie.com/
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Faux Tilt Shift Fun {Children's and Family Photographer in Sacramento and Roseville}

Doesn't that look fun? My three kids look like miniature kids in a landscape model. David found this great tutorial where you could convert your photos into a faux tilt shift lens effect. It's not as good as having the real lens, but it's fun to play around with.
This one turned out great..the columns look like you can just reach in and adjust them a little to the left or a little to the right or grab the tiny people and move them around too, lol!

Do you have a photoshop tutorial that you would love to share? I'd love to know...please leave it in the comments section, thanks!
Happy Wednesday and always so thankful for your visit!
jennifer brotchie photography, wedding photography in roseville, wedding photography in sacramento, wedding photography in yuba city, wedding photographers in stockton, wedding photography, engagement photograper, children's photographer, family photographer, senior portraits, baby photographer, newborn photographer, professional photography, http://www.jenniferbrotchie.com/
Monday, January 18, 2010
Two Bits of Sunshine {Engagement & Wedding Photographer in Roseville and Sacramento}

On our one day break from the rain this weekend, I spent a couple of hours with these two beautiful people.... this is a sneak peek, just for them...

They kinda fit together like a hand in glove....

These two are a bit of sunshine on a dreary Monday...
Be sure to keep checking back for their full post soon and thanks for stopping by, really makes my day!
Also, I am currently booking weddings for 2010, so please be sure to get in touch!
jennifer brotchie photography, wedding photographers in roseville, wedding photographers in sacramento, wedding photographers in yuba city, wedding photographers in stockton, wedding photography, engagement photography, children's photography, family photography, senior portraits, baby photographer, newborn photographer, professional photography, http://www.jenniferbrotchie.com/
Thursday, January 14, 2010
{Roseville, Sacramento Wedding Photographer}: SoCal Holiday...

One thing we did when we were spending holidays in SoCal was to get some family portraits done. David and I were late coming back from 29 Palms and the sun was already setting behind the tall mountains at 4pm. We had very limited sun, so we had to work fast.
The kids snapped into place...

and Nana and Grandpa followed accordingly...

We didn't have to go far for a location. Grandpa has always had a knack for finding homes with beautiful views in their backyard...

Nana and the girls...

A nice dinner out at the outdoor terrace...in winter!

and one last evening swim before we had to head home...

David practically stood out dodging the sprinklers for this one...

We miss the beautiful weather that we were spoiled with. Thank you Nana and Grandpa for having us!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
{Roseville, Sacramento Photographer}: Glee Wednesday
Wednesday nights have been Glee nights on Fox. Have you seen Glee? It's a fantastic, entertaining show about outcast glee kids trying to make it into nationals and all the hurdles they face in high school trying to get there. It's well written, the characters are loveable and spiteful and the music is wonderful. It's on hiatus for awhile now that American Idol is back on. I love American Idol as well, sat for two hours last night and watched. But today is dedicated to Glee. Happy Glee Wednesday!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
{Roseville, Sacramento Photographer}: Houston...We have a problem...

... and what a problem to have, huh? I ordered two boots. I originally just wanted the one on the left, from Zappos. But, as with my luck on shoes, they didn't have any in stock in my size. So I went searching for it and found a suitable one from Sheplers, the one on the right. Two days later after placing my order at Sheplers, Zappos emails me and tells me that the boot is back in stock. So I ordered it and figured I'd check them both out and make my decision when they arrived. I love them both, but I could only keep one. It's a Christmas present to myself. I love boots. I live in them in the winter. This is my first cowgirl boot purchase. I think these are REAL cowgirl boots and they are both soo beautiful. I plan to wear them in the spring and summer with some cute sundresses. David likes the one on the left. The embroidery is gorgeous on it. The calf part is more tailored to my calf and more fitted and it's got a pointier toe. The one on the right has a little more room in the calf area which lends to the casualness of it and the design is stitched in a light blue thread and has a more rounded toe. I don't think I could go wrong with either. I'm kind of partial to the one of the left. If you are visiting my blog today, let me know which one You like in the comments section...
EDITED: Thanks to all the Facebook comments and blog comments... I chose the pair on the left, my original choice! :)
Sunday, January 10, 2010
{Roseville, Sacramento Wedding Photographer}: 9 years ago today....

She was supposed to be born in February, around Valentine's Day. She didn't want to wait and decided to come 6 weeks earlier, nine years ago today. She was my preemie baby, my first baby and she is my heart walking outside of me. I think she is brilliant...and that's because she really is... Happy Birthday Sweetheart!
give it a few seconds to load...
please refresh your screen to replay.
Friday, January 8, 2010
{Roseville, Sacramento Wedding Photographer}: Harmony Motel & Joshua Tree

We ventured out into the city of 29 Palms where the Joshua Tree National Park is located. Specifically to find this sign and to take a picture of it, with us in it of course, just like them, U2.

The problem was that we were in the right place, but that exact sign was gone. A nice man drove by and told us that a couple of owners back, the sign was sold for a pretty sum and it has since been replaced. No matter, David and Jennifer Brotchie were still standing in the same area that Bono, the Edge, Larry and Adam stood when they took that photo, when they were inspired to write the masterpiece that is The Joshua Tree Album. Oh yes, we are cool.

We were rock stars for a couple of hours. We were feelin' it.

Although, I kept giggling. I am not at all comfortable in front of the camera, I'm a nerd. So I'd dial in the settings in the camera, click the timer, pose, wait a few seconds and I'd start laughin' like the nerd that I am.

You know, it's kind of hard to pose yourself without someone telling you how you should pose. That's usually my job: to tell YOU what to do when I'm behind the camera, no matter, I just don't like being told what to do, so I don't think it would have made an ounce of difference what I did.

But I do like how these turned out. I love couples photography. I love engagement photography. I love wedding photography. It's so different to have two people totally engaged and within each other's hemisphere's without any distraction..in our case distraction from our offspring. Thanks Nana and Grampa for letting us go be a couple for a little bit.

So yeah, you need a photographer, holla! 'cuz I can hook you up... big time!

Gosh, I miss that weather... but I did enjoy being on an afternoon date with my guy. Thanks for dragging me out there, babe.

Enjoy the weekend!
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