It's been a busy summer and I've neglected my photography and my blog...priorities over summer vacation are the kids, end.of.story. With that said, we had a relaxing summer but it seemed so busy. How does that happen? Lots of ice cream, lots of swimming, lots of sleeping late, lots of hot days and air-conditioning. One camping trip that was fun. More so for the kids being in the free outdoors getting dirrty, very, very dirrty!

They didn't care though and what the heck, it's camping :) !

The days were beautiful and the temperature just right..oh, but the nights! cold, cold, cold!
On another note, I attended my 20 year high school reunion. I was very hesitant right up to the last minute, but went and much to my surprise had a fantastic time.

Here I am in the car, a ball of nerves and anxiety, photo taken with a little bitty hand held point and shoot.
So how do you know summer is coming to an end? When the kids go back to school of course! Yes, we will be there next week.....
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