Summer is here and I've been a busy mom. Belles graduated Kindergarten and we couldn't have been more proud. Isn't she cute? That lady there is one of the best Kindergarten teachers on the planet. I've pledged to be room mom if Jensen is in her kindergarten class in a couple of years (bribe much?). Belles is very excited to be a big 1st grader...I'm excited that she'll be in school a full day. :)

For our 11 year anniversary, David and I headed out to San Francisco. It's been a good 3 years since our last visit to the city and we both needed to get away for the day. Grandma volunteered babysitting duties- thanks mom! David and I had no plans and just went where ever the mood took us. Although, next time, we agreed, to have a plan. We had lunch at the MOMA (Museum of Modern Art). I ordered the Crab Crepes and David ordered artichoke soup (I think). Doesn't my dish look delish? It was! Of course, we shared our meals. We caught a Georgia O'Keefe and Ansel Adams exhibition. Mostly their very early works. Interesting.

From there we went to the shopping district and window shopped. I can't remember what street this was on. Does it look the same Auntie Em?

And of course, David being a HUGE Formula One racing fan, we hit up the Ferrari Store. The biggest one of it's kind, I was told.

At dusk we hit the beach. I brought my tripod and soo wanted to snap up some shots of us. The lighting was just right, but it was so darn windy and cold!! So much so, that we stayed in the car enjoying our kid free, disruption free conversation. We went to Japantown for dinner...sushi boats!

The 4th of July- excuse me, Independence Day, was spent at Uncle Andrew's house. He barbequed up some salmon and chicken for the grown ups and hot dogs for the kids. Rachael Ray is paying off Andrew! Thumbs up dude.

We met this sweet little guy and his family. Of course I had to whip out my camera! They put on a great little fireworks display for us in the front. Afterward, we ran upstairs to check out fireworks exhibitions in Folsom and Sacramento, and I think maybe Chico, as well as some illegal displays from neighborhoods very close by.

Jensen was the life of the party and being a rugrat, I would expect no less.

Ms. Greta, Uncle Andrew's GF, was there and I had a great time talking with her and the kids had a great time giving her some love.